Subterranea S1
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26 September 2024

Subterranea S1

Likarion Wainaina directed Supa Moda, Kenya’s most successful film ever, which won over 50 international awards, including Best European Film For Children from the European Children’s Film Association, a Children’s Jury Special Mention: Generation 14Plus at Berlin, and the Artistic Bravery Prize at Durban. 

Now he’s back on Showmax with Kenya’s first sci-fi series, Subterranea, which follows eight participants of a psychological experiment who are placed in an underground bunker to test the effects of close-quarter secluded relationships on humans. 

Assembling Kenya’s finest actors, Subterranea stars Kalasha winners Foi Wambui (Crime and Justice), Peter Kawa (County 49), and Nice Githinji (The Caller), as well as Kalasha nominees Melvin Alusa and Melissa Kiplagat (both from Country Queen). Also look out for Philippa Ndisi-Herrman (New Moon), Makena Kahuha (Kina), Biko Nyongesa (Sense8), Pauline Komu (Groove Theory), newcomer Chintu Chadusama, and the finest theatre kid on the block: Kenyan Theatre Awards winner Dadson Gakenga (Subira).  

A Kibanda Pictures production, the eight-part series is written by Brian Munene (County 49), directed by Wainaina and produced by Millicent Ogutu.