5 things you should know Aunty on Ultimate Love

19 March 2020

5 things you should know Aunty on Ultimate Love

Married for over three decades, Adesuwa Onyenokwe knows a thing or two about love and marriage, the main themes of Ultimate Love, the Africa Magic reality show she anchors as the central character, Aunty. The veteran broadcaster is a skilled communicator passionate about women, love and family. Her latest venture, being in the Love Pad, may present her as a gorgeous, youthful aunty, but there’s more to Aunty Adesuwa. In this post, we take you through five things you should know about the Ultimate Love Aunty.

1. Newsline

Oyenokwe is mostly known for work on Newsline, the popular NTA Sunday magazine show, which aired every Sunday by 9 PM. During her time on Newsline, Aunty exposed some of the society’s vices at the time. The job defined her career and cemented her status as a broadcasting icon. One of the highlights of her time at NTA is covering the 1998 visit of Pope John Paul II.

2. She runs a women’s magazine

Aunty Onyenokwe is the publisher and editor-in-chief of Today’s Women Magazine, which is described as “the magazine of choice for the woman with style and purpose.” Today’s Women touches on topics related to relationships, fashion, health and wellness, career and celebrities, all tailored for well-educated, employed women between the ages of 25 and 60.

3. Women empowerment

Onyenokwe is very intentional about empowering women, which is why she launched Today’s Women Magazine. “In the course of doing my job as a reporter, I realized that there was a gap in the information about women because I met a lot of great women on the job while doing interviews,” she says in an interview.

“I noticed that they were reluctant to talk about their achievements while some even said that they didn’t want to be seen on television. I felt that we had to see more female role models because the ones we saw were not many.  I needed to communicate with women for them to grow, so I decided to do so in print on a newsletter.  That was how Today’s Woman came to life.”

4. Wole Soyinka tutored her

Very few Nigerians can boast of being students of the great Wole Soyinka, and Aunty is one of them. She attended Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, when Soyinka was still a Professor of Comparative Literature there.

5. Her love story

Being the central character in the Ultimate Love show, Aunty, herself, has a sweet love story, the type seen in movies where the characters stare into each other’s eyes on the first meet and know this is beginning of forever.

Here’s her story …

“He saw me for the first time on the television screen, and he probably did not know who I was but he liked what I looked like. That is what he said anyway; that he liked what I looked like. It was when he met me that he could tell certain things about me. We just clicked from the moment we met.”

And how did they meet?

“He was living in Warri and I was in Benin and there was a graduation party in Benin; that was where we met. When we met at the party, we greeted each other but the difference between him and any other person I had ever dated was that he knew from the beginning that he wanted to marry me and I thought that was crazy.”

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