13 August 2024

House of Gods S1

The Australian drama series House of Gods follows the lives of an ambitious Iraqi Australian family grappling with newfound power and privilege when their charismatic patriarch is elected Head Cleric of their local mosque. 

As Sheikh Mohammad, Palestinian actor Kamel El Basha won Best Actor at Series Mania in France earlier this year. Award-winning Australian actor, screen-writer and series co-creator Osamah Sami co-stars as Isa, alongside an all Arab-Australian support cast.

The series takes us behind the walls of the imam’s family and the community he leads as he rolls out his vision of a modern Islam. But as his grand ambitions become a reality, those closest to him begin to question whether he is acting solely for the greater good or if he is intoxicated by power. A tale of faith, family, secrets and lies, the six-episode series explores the great personal cost of ambition.

“Australia’s House Of Gods started out as The Sopranos in a mosque, channelled Succession and ended up in a category all of its own,” Deadline headlined

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