The Great Reset

15 February 2021

The Great Reset

Any company serious about their future in South Africa needs to be serious about uplifting the country’s promising young people. That’s the message of The Great Reset, a documentary series profiling the efforts of five prominent businesses, from MultiChoice to Investec, to extend opportunities to the youth in their surrounding communities by working through the Youth Employment Service (YES) South Africa.

The episodes follow young people and look at the challenges they face – the obvious ones, such as lack of quality education, and the less apparent, such as a lack of transport and development close to their homes. It also explores negative stereotypes that stop talented candidates from succeeding, or from gaining the initial foothold into employment that would set them up for life.

Once they do find an internship or a job, how can companies and communities best support these talents so they can live up to their full potential? Delve into these complex and interesting issues in this six-part documentary series.

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