The Ground Under (2020)
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8 February 2021

The Ground Under (2020)

Lockdown didn’t just do its best to contain COVID, it also made it difficult to bury loved ones in peace. And that’s the focus of Lukhanyo Bele’s comedy movie The Ground Under.

What you need to know is that like loads of movies made in 2020, it’s shot like a video chat – small screens with each character interacting and doing things like flirting, yoga, meditation, flossing teeth and more. Keep an eye out for local talent like Leon Clingman (Peter in Trackers), Andrea Dondolo (Xolile in Isidima) and Shannon Esra (Sam in Lioness).

Lukhanyo explains: “No one wants to watch the film in the future and be reminded of the bad times during lockdown, so what could be more intriguing than conducting a funeral online with a family that doesn’t get along? Recipe for disaster.”

It’s manic and pacey with zany characters who’re feeling the lockdown pinch in their most emotional hour – trying to bury a family member. If you can’t see yourself in these characters, are you even doing this pandemic lockdown right?

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