14 May 2020
Kings of Mulberry Street (2019)
Written, directed and produced by the acclaimed Judy Naidoo, this fun, heartwarming family film follows timid Baboo and wild child Ticky, neighbours who team up to take on the local crime boss, Raja.
Talking to IOL, Naidoo described the fictional district she created called Sugar Hill: “The actual film was shot in Verulam and Tongaat. So, I have created a fictional town called Sugar Hill District. I wanted to use the best cinematic location from both places, so I did create this fictional world.”
She said that friendship was the main theme of the movie, “but it’s also, on some level, about bullying and how you can stand up to a bully only if you believe in yourself.”
Drawing inspiration from the vibrant and interesting lives led by the Indian community residing in KwaZulu-Natal in the 80s, as well as Bollywood cinema and songs of the same era, Kings of Mulberry Street is visually dynamic and rich in colour – “in a retro way,” Naidoo told Screen Africa.
Officially selected by film festivals all around the world, including the Seattle Children’s Film Festival, Kings of Mulberry Street is a treat for the whole family.
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