The Chemo Club (2016)

2 April 2020

The Chemo Club (2016)

Seventies comic sexbombs Lulu and Faith (Brumilda van Rensburg and Lillian Dube) come out of granny retirement to get back their stolen pension cash from Trusted CEO Grant Roberts (Chris Chameleon) to help fight Lulu’s cancer.

The comedy script is as hilarious as the plot reads, despite the serious underlying cancer arc. The cast is filled with SA stars including Tobie Cronje, Kagiso Lediga and Rea Rangaka. And the styling is very Kill Bill (2003 & 2004) with the animation and superhero comic book feel.

It’s local. It’s lekker. And it’s got a real, poignant backstory, explains writer-director Thandi Brewer, who’s fought cancer herself three times: “It’s a unique spin that shies away from the normal testosterone and machismo. It’s an off-beat comedy caper with a very South African, deadly serious female-empowering heart. I wrote this as a tribute to my mother. It’s a story of unlikely friendships and underdogs triumphing over the apparently insurmountable odds of cancer, bankruptcy and a society that ignores them. Never surrender.”

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