The Wife Season 2, episodes 19 to 21: A blast from the past threatens Zandile’s peace

By Xabiso Ngqabe1 April 2022

The Wife Season 2, episodes 19 to 21: A blast from the past threatens Zandile’s peace

A surprise proposal and pregnancy photoshoot lights up the Zulu mansion, while a sibling rivalry causes strife between the Zulu brothers.

The Wife Season 2 episodes 19-21 is nothing short of amazing as things get better between Nkosana and Zandile, but their situation soon takes an unexpected turn, leaving everyone shocked.

Update: Want to know more? Watch the behind-the-scenes special The Wife: Behind the Veil.

Episode 19 – Mandisa wants Nqoba to claim chairmanship

Mandisa convinces Nqoba to fight for his seat at the Taxi association. This comes right after the Zulu brothers replaced him with Sambulo while he was still recovering in hospital. Now that he has recovered Mandisa is putting pressure on him to claim his position back.

The Wife Season 2 on Showmax

For all we know, Mandisa just wants her man to do well so she can also reap the benefits.

The taxi association members had a meeting about the chairmanship elections. Two names were put up, Sambulo and Geja. But just as they are about to conclude the meeting, Nqoba walks in and demands his name to also be put up for elections. His brothers try to talk him out of it, but he hardly listens.

Nomusa comforts Nkosana and gives him the best advice

Nkosana visits Nomusa in prison to check up on her. She can’t help but notice that he’s not well and she asks about Zandile. Bhut’omdala opens up about everything he’s going through including the fact that they had a fight and she has since left with the kids. 

She shows Nkosana how difficult this has been on Zandile. “No mother wants to compete for her children’s affection with another woman,” says Nomusa.

Nkosana finally sees some light at the end of his dark tunnel and after their talk, the prison warder asks them to seal it with a kiss. As awkward as it is, and remembering that they still need to act as if Nomusa is Zandile, they share a friendly smooch.

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Nkosana surprises Zandile

It’s been a while since Zandile left the Zulu mansion – she gets a call from Mqhele who tells her that Nkosana had a heart attack. She rushes home, heart pacing and worried. When she gets to the house, she walks into a romantic set-up with Nkosana on bended knees, ready to propose.

“I love you with all my heart. I’m not a man who goes down on his knees, but as I’m speaking to you now my heart is kneeling before you. With this ring, I’m asking you to make me a real man. Please allow me to make you a Mageba wife,” says Nkosana. After asking for her hand in marriage, the Zulu queen wastes no time saying yes. Could this be Zah’s final shot at happiness?

Episode 20 – The brothers are at loggerheads

Nqoba undermines Sambulo and tells him that he doesn’t deserve to be a chairman. One thing about Nqoba, he will do anything to get his position back, even if it means disrespecting a sibling.

When asked to withdraw from the elections, he goes against his brothers’ wishes. Sambulo has his eyes on the prize for the chairman position and asks Qhawe to work together with him. They put their plan in motion and promise to stick with each other. 

Blast from the past

There’s tension at the Zulu mansion as they find a group of men at their doorstep asking to see Zandile. When Zandile comes to see who these people are, she sees a very familiar face and immediately she doesn’t seem happy. It’s her father! 

Episode 21 – Zandile has to go back to her roots

Zandile’s father demands answers, “How long has my daughter been out?” He’s here to fetch his daughter. He wants her to go back home with him immediately. He then reminds Nkosana to respect their culture and to do things accordingly. 

This means Zandile has to go back to Mbuba and she can’t help but think of a reason why she left Mbuba in the first place. She refuses to leave with her father and Nkosana pleads with her. Zandile would rather die or go back to jail than go back to that place. Clearly, her relationship with her father is not a good one. She agrees to go back to Mbuba and states that she is only doing this for her kids.

Nqoba bribes the taxi drivers

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Nqoba decides to gather together the other taxi drivers at his tavern. As election day is drawing closer, he goes to extreme lengths to win their votes by bribing them. He gives the drivers each a stack of money and asks them to vote for him in the upcoming election.

The Wife Season 2 on Showmax

Who is going to be the chairman of the Taxi association?

Watch The Wife on Showmax, new episodes are added every Thursday. Season 3 is landing on 10 November 2022.

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