Wura episodes 1-4 recap: The wicked heart of a wo(man)

27 January 2023

Wura episodes 1-4 recap: The wicked heart of a wo(man)

In Wura, Showmax’s first Nigerian Original telenovela, the storytellers sets the story’s tone by intruducing us to Wura, the titular character, burning a girl alive. She watches as skin melts away to the screams of pain. The scene shows that Wura is capable of depravity and can also do the dirty jobs herself.

The best character-driven films or shows start with the lead characters doing or saying something that captures who they are and what they are capable of. It gives the audience an early taste of the protagonist. Think of the classics; in an early scene of the Oscar-winning Gladiator, Russell Crowe’s Maximus says strength and honour as he guides his troops into a battle, two words that define his character.

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In episodes 1 to 4 of Wura, we find out that she lives a double life. At home, she is a doting mother and loving wife; at work, she is the ruthless CEO of a mining company. Even her nephew, Jeje, her right-hand man, isn’t exempted from occasional dressing down. When he questions her madness, she reminds him of his lowly past.  

When we first see her at work, she is about to announce layoffs—a necessary decision following news that the gold mines are depleted. Unsurprisingly, the workers don’t take this well, especially the long-serving Pa Kuti. He questions her reasons. He doubts them because she constantly lies to them, she had told them they would get houses and mansions years ago if the company blossoms. It has, but they still live in terrible homes.


It is a clear example of how companies take and take from the community that provides them with natural resources without giving anything in return. The company was supposed to be a blessing to Wura, her investors, and the workers and their community. As it extracts their gold, they should get schools, water and good homes, but Wura and co only take for themselves.

For his troubles, Wura announces Pa Kuti will be the first to be retrenched, which causes the miners to be even more agitated.

Yet when Pa Kuti discovers a unique piece of gold in a river close to his farm, he takes it to Wura. After confirming this is the real deal, she wants to know where he found it.


The old man says he will show her if she promises to stop the retrenchment and make the miners shareholders in the company, so the community benefit directly from the prosperity that will follow. Wura agrees to his demands, but it is a trap.

She plans to put him aside, but nothing prepares you for her method. It is an action that terrifies even Jeje, but it also tells us we are in for a ride with this woman! Watch new episodes of Wura on Showmax, Mondays to Thursdays.

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