Devina brings The Mommy Club cast together for a good purpose

By Zimkitha13 September 2024

Devina brings The Mommy Club cast together for a good purpose

Devina believes in making boss moves. The reality TV star is intentional about paying it forward and this was seen through her career day event. She put this together for the other mommies and their children, and the intention was for them to showcase their careers and hopefully inspire the next generation.

Heartfelt insights

The Mommy Club: Sugar & Spice on Showmax

The ladies showed up with their children and everyone was excited about the day. “This is something that’s very close to my heart. For those of you who don’t know, I used to be a teacher … I am a teacher. I will be a teacher for all my days. It is the job that called me, I didn’t look it up, it fell literally on my lap,” she told the ladies. Devina wants to use her platform to spread a helpful message and to give back in a meaningful way.

The Mommy Club: Sugar & Spice on Showmax

She addressed the children, telling them that there are many jobs out there that they might not be aware of and encouraged the mommies to give the kids some insights. Lenore’s daughter, Meah, appreciated the event. She said the last time she was at a career day was in primary school. “Missing out on that in high school and having it now, it filled a void in my heart. So, it was quite nice to experience it now when I didn’t get to in high school,” she said.

Each of the ladies took a turn to share about their careers and let others in on their journeys. Although her heart will always be in education, Devina explained that she recently acquired a real estate agency.

Pursuing fulfilment

The Mommy Club: Sugar & Spice on Showmax

When it was her turn to speak, Asharia shared that she’s not only an optometrist, but also an entrepreneur who owns different businesses. “As soon as I finished optometry, I was a full-time optometrist…” She shared that after six months she realised that she wasn’t fulfilled.

“I want the kids to know that that’s okay. It’s okay for your profession not to work out sometimes.” Asharia, who owns an optometry business, sees herself as an entrepreneur first.

The Mommy Club: Sugar & Spice S1 on Showmax

Abigail was up next, and she opened up by sharing that studied law because she wanted to please her parents. However, she also wanted to fill her own cup, so she applied for a job as a radio host at a popular radio station when she was 18 years old.

“It was a huge change for me because I used to be very shy,” she said. One of the kids found this “cool” as she loves talking. While Abigail eventually became a specialist attorney and was still in love with radio, she ventured into life-coaching and motivational speaking.

The Mommy Club: Sugar & Spice S1 on Showmax

The other ladies also opened up about their work and they all showed that you can be more than one thing. “I think for the life of me, I just wish I had this sooner. That thing that you guys mentioned about being happy with what you’re doing, I feel like is so relevant because a lot of people you find just do something just for the sake of doing it,” Lenore’s son, Alessandro, said. He added that they helped them to discover that you don’t need to do what everyone else says. “You can do whatever you want to as long as it fulfils you and it will give your life a sort of purpose.”

Watch new episodes of The Mommy Club: Sugar & Spice every Thursday on Showmax.