Edge of the Earth S1
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14 August 2024

Edge of the Earth S1

South African Grant ‘Twiggy’ Baker, a three-time World Big Wave Surfing Champion, travels down Africa’s west coast to establish it as the next big wave surf location in Edge of the Earth, a four-part HBO documentary series following four groups of athletes on four continents embarking on four never-before-accomplished missions. 

The other episodes include a descent on Mount Bertha in Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park, which has never been snowboarded or skied before; whitewater kayakers attempting to become the first group to cross Ecuador’s Llanganates National Park via the Chalupas River; and a free ascent on Kyrgyzstan’s Pik Slesova. 

Decider calls it “simultaneously breathtakingly beautiful and utterly terrifying …  balances character-based drama-building with truly epic cinematography that’ll drop your jaws and fill your heart.”