15 December 2023
School Run (2023)
School Run is a heartwarming, entertaining holiday-themed family drama that follows the story of Timileyin Kalejaiye and Adeola Kalejaiye, a career-obsessed couple, and their 11-year-old son, Bolu Kalejaiye. Problems arise when a seemingly simple school pick-up for extra activities during the holidays becomes a nerve-racking emotional journey for Timileyin and Adeola, who must bury selfish interests to find their son after he is picked up by the wrong bus driver.
When entrusted in the care of his nanny, Agnes, an unexpected series of events unfolds, leading to Bolu’s disappearance into the trenches of Lagos, far from his sheltered life in a gated highbrow neighborhood. As the plot unfolds, Bolu crosses paths with various individuals, each driven by their unique motivations. From the well-intentioned Uncle T to the menacing low-level thug Sly, the narrative underscores the challenges that Bolu faces and his parents’ relentless efforts to find him.
School Run is headlined by the gifted young actor Greatness Ewurum, who breathes life into Bolu’s character. Joining the line-up are Ifeanyi Kalu and Amanda Iriekpen, who play Bolu’s parents, Timileyin and Adeola Kalejaiye. Timileyin, a successful business executive, grapples with the clash between his role as a provider and his wife’s pursuit of her career. Adeola, a determined and unyielding individual, strives for excellence in her professional journey, determined to break barriers, even if it means going it alone.
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