The aliens on The Orville are hysterical parodies of those you’ve seen on other sci-fi shows

12 March 2020

The aliens on The Orville are hysterical parodies of those you’ve seen on other sci-fi shows

The Orville is a hilarious sci-fi comedy starring Seth MacFarlane as the captain of the USS Orville, a spaceship tasked with exploring the frontiers of space and building and protecting relationships with new species. The whole show is a parody on modern sci-fi series like Star Trek and the like, and it’s gained something of a cult following.

Meet some of the alien species that the crew of Seth MacFarlane’s The Orville encounter in outer space, including the single-gender Moclans who only pee once a year, Isaac the android who hails from Kaylon, the Krill (who are definitely not like the Klingons from Star Trek), and the Xelayans, who have super-strength aboard The Orville because the gravity of their home planet is so heavy.

Meet the aliens from The Orville

While you’re at it, meet the humans from The Orville …

Captain Ed and his executive officer Kelly, who also happens to be his ex-wife who was cheating on him with a blue alien, and the whole crew of the USS Orville, are more than a little weird themselves.

Season 1 and 2 of The Orville is streaming on Showmax.

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