The Bourne Legacy (2012)
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21 May 2020

The Bourne Legacy (2012)

In The Bourne Legacy, new hero Agent Cross (Jeremy) is sent to Alaska for deep-operative training –all because of what Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) got up to in the first three movies. Cross lands in the middle of a global virus-medical drug trial terror plot and it’s again got something to do with Operation Treadstone and the Blackbriar division.

Okay, so it’s sad that Matt’s not here but Jeremy is great at the action-man role. He’s fast and snappy and he’s got attitude that makes it feel like a Bourne movie without, well, Bourne. The cast list is pretty impressive too – Rachel Weisz, Ed Norton, Stacy Keach, Oscar Isaac.

It’s good as a stand-alone although still part of the franchise, says “Renner’s Cross is a different breed of super-agent, more brawn than Bourne, more soldier than leader, but not so much of a follower that he can’t stand alone. He has gone rogue, forced into it by circumstance, and we’re with him most of the way.”

All the Jason Bourne movies are available to stream now – check out The Bourne Collection for more.

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