4 August 2021

The finale: Kelly and Ntombi’s emotional therapy session

As much as Kelly and her mom have made progress in fixing some of their family issues, it’s evident that there is a lot of work that still needs to be done in their relationship.

“My mother has failed to be a mom”

After a somewhat successful trip to KwaZulu-Natal, Kelly and Ntombi return to Johannesburg to attend to another issue – their relationship.

Mother and daughter decide to attend a therapy session together to highlight the deep underlying problems they have with each other.

One of the glaring problems that Kelly has with her mother is Ntombi’s failure to resolve the issues between Kelly and her younger sister, Zandi.

“We have unresolved issues that my mother has let slide for a very long time. And I feel like she also contributed to not seeing her mother,” says Kelly.

Kelly strongly feels that if her mother had doused the fire that was burning between Kelly and Zandi much earlier, things would have not escalated to this level.

Ntombi’s response to Kelly’s statement is that she is sometimes scared of her daughter because when she’s angry, Kelly tends to be loud. Kelly’s anger thus triggers Ntombi’s childhood trauma, which makes it difficult for her to communicate with Kelly. It’s not because she’s running away from resolving the issues between her daughters.

It’s Zandi over Kelly

Ntombi’s response doesn’t sit well with Kelly. Throughout the feud, Kelly feels she has been noble and far too patient with how everything has been dealt with. According to Kelly, Zandi caused her great heartache and anger but what she cannot bear is how Ntombi handled the situation.

Kelly strongly feels that Ntombi chose Zandi over her, and that’s what’s hurting Kelly the most.

“Nothing changed between my mother and my sister. When she was wrong, she was still welcomed with warm hands,” says Kelly.

Will Zandi and Kelly’s feud ever end?

During the therapy session, it becomes clear that Ntombi needs to work a whole lot harder at bringing her children together. Yet at the same time, she also still needs to heal from her own childhood trauma.

Kelly is emotionally exhausted and feels that Ntombi has failed her as a mother countless times. And how Ntombi handled the feud between Zandi and Kelly was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Should Zandi come forth and apologise, will Kelly accept the apology? Maybe, but only if the apology comes from a genuine place.

“If this will be an apology that is based on the fact that we are just passing things over, then I’d rather we leave it,” says Kelly.

Kelly admits that she is not even sure if the feud between her sister will ever be fixed.

“I don’t know how this will be fixed or if it will ever be fixed. As long as I maintain my peace and nobody steps on my toes, I’m good,” concludes Kelly.

Watch the season finale of Life With Kelly Khumalo S2 now streaming on Showmax, and binge both seasons of the show.

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