12 December 2023

The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 episode 11 recap: “I can’t think of anyone that’s cool with Mariam”

The 11th episode of The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 opens romantically. Iyabo Ojo and her boo, Paulo, are having a double date with Chioma Ikokwu and her new bobo, Eso Dike.

“It’s such a pleasure to meet you guys, I’m a bit star-struck,” Dike says as he settles down. Immediately after, Iyabo goes into mummy mode — questioning Dike.

The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 is on Showmax

“So what do you do?” she asks. Dike answers that he’s an actor, but you can sense his surprise at the question. He’s pretty popular and was in some of the highest-grossing films from last year.

But the awkwardness doesn’t linger. He answers questions from Paulo and Iyabo without fuss. He seems even eager. Paulo seems impressed and begs Chioma to “make this one last”.

Later in the episode, Laura and Chioma chat on the phone and the topic is, again, Mariam. Chioma thinks Laura is playing devil’s advocate on the matter because she’s calling for peace and understanding, but Laura’s stance is that they need to address Mariam’s issue because it won’t go away.

“Chioma, I think you should organise a party or a getaway, and let’s invite her and hear from her,” she suggests.

Chioma isn’t eager but agrees anyway. She won’t invite Mariam, though. Laura does. The getaway trip is at Salt Beach, which Chioma terms the Maimi of Lagos.

Laura is pregnant!

The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 is on Showmax

It’s good news upon good news for Laura this season. She’s suspecting she’s pregnant after getting some sensations.

“I’m feeling some type of way, I might know what this is. I’m a mother of two, so I’ve had this sensation before. I’m suspecting something,” she explains.

Her suspicions were correct. She’s pregnant. Laura says it’s a bittersweet feeling because she was not expecting it now, but immediately after the wedding.

But a child is a good thing, a cause for celebration, so she’s also celebratory and excitedly makes an announcement video for her hubby.

Chioma, the good host

The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 is on Showmax

Chioma and Tania get some alone time at the beach house. They can’t stop talking about how stunning the place is, and even as viewers we are being treated to a delightful view.

“How do you feel about Mariam being here?” Tania asks. Chioma says she didn’t think Mariam would come and is shocked she’s here but will remain gracious about it.

“I’m not going to be petty and childish to be like, ‘Oh, leave the island’, but we have to have a conversation,” she says.

“I can’t really think of anyone that Mariam’s cool with,” she continues. “Mariam doesn’t talk to Faith. Tiannah and Mariam have issues. Tania cannot stand Mariam. I know Laura doesn’t care for her even if she’s trying to make peace and whatnot.”

Away from her wahala with Mariam, she calls and invites the fun Dr Rommel to the beach. It’s a last-minute afterthought, but we are guessing they miss the good doctor’s mischief!

Mariam and Chioma chat alone

The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 is on Showmax

Mariam and Chioma find themselves in an interesting situation. They are alone and forced to have a conversation. Mariam wants to talk; Chioma is indifferent. A knife can cut through the awkwardness in the room.

“I do feel like our last altercation was extremely heated,” Mariam eventually starts. “You said some things that hurt me, and obviously I said things that hurt you as well.”

Apparently, Iyabo had informed Mariam that her choice of words during that fight hurt Chioma deeply. Mariam apologises and says it wasn’t her intention to hurt.

“Silly girl, I thought you would never say sorry,” Chioma says, finally smiling. But she also thinks the apology isn’t genuine because Iyabo’s intervention catalysed it.

Chioma eventually accepts the apology. Then Mariam demands an apology, too, but Chioma refuses.

Laura and Iyabo get into it

The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 is on Showmax

As Chioma and Mariam continue arguing, Laura strolls in. Then Faith follows. Iyabo and Tania had already joined minutes before.

Now, with a full house, Chioma starts a game: Truth or Dare. But what should have been a fun activity turns into a brawl involving Iyabo and Laura. What ensues and how it happens is something you have to find out for yourself.

Catch the finale of The Real Housewives of Lagos this Friday only on Showmax.

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