False Flag
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27 February 2020

False Flag

The only thing worse than committing a political coup is being framed for it. Like in fast-paced biographical action series False Flag (called Kfulim in its native Israel).

What you need to know is that this is a true story. A group of non-connected ordinary people wake up linked on TV reports for the kidnapping for Iran’s minister of defence during a trip to Russia – and worse, they’re also allegedly members of Islamist Palestinian group Hamas.

Unless you’re fluent in Hebrew, you’ll be reading subtitles to follow. But the drama onscreen isn’t totally foreign – there’s not a country in the world that doesn’t have some political drama. It’s also a look inside the brutal war being waged over the holy land and how being linked to political groups could literally cost you your life.

Mike Hale from nytimes.com is a fan and hints that fans of US political drama Homeland will love it too: “False Flag is less fancy and more naturalistic than its US counterparts, with a dry humour and a low-key efficiency in generating suspense. The tension is maintained through constant movement and the clash of personalities rather than bloodshed — there’s violence, but the body count is lower than it would be in an American series, at least until an awkwardly handled shootout in the finale.”

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