The Real Housewives of Abuja Reunion Part 1: “I actually have some scores to settle”

30 May 2023

The Real Housewives of Abuja Reunion Part 1: “I actually have some scores to settle”

Per the standard The Real Housewives Reunion procedures, our host, Akah Nnani, visits the women as they prepare for the shoot to gauge their feelings and ignite some drama with some not-so-innocuous questions. 

“Who are you looking forward to seeing?” he asks the drama-ready Princess Jecoco, and trust her to provide a hot response. “I’m actually looking forward to seeing everyone,” Princess innocently begins. “Yes, the major person that I have to [deal] with is the fakest. A few people that need some lashing.” 

And unsurprisingly, Princess indeed delivers some tongue-lashing. Here’s how it all went down in the first episode of the Real Housewives of Abuja reunion. 

Watch the trailer for The Real Housewives of Abuja Reunion

OJ calls the show a social experiment 

Nnani kicks off the show by commenting on the ladies’ outfits and inquiring about their experience on the show. OJ Posharella offers an interesting response. 

OJ in RHOAbuja Reunion

“Well, it has been up and down, and is definitely a social experiment, [but] not for the faint at heart,” OJ replies. Her answer makes a lot of sense, considering her character. She is the group’s ray of sunshine, a lively personality who dislikes stress and drama but often finds herself entangled in it. 

Samantha in RHOAbuja Reunion

The usually quiet Samantha also chimes in with an interesting remark. “It’s been an amazing experience,” she comments. “You get to learn [and] you get to unlearn, you know, what you see is not what you get.” 

Arafa addresses stripper controversy 

Many online fans found it difficult to reconcile Arafa being a Jesus girl who also loves pole dancing. “Arafa biko embrace your stripper title with your full chest! Stripper is pole dancer, pole dancer is stripper,” a fan tweeted, conflating stripping with pole dancing. 

Arafa in RHOAbuja Reunion

To set the record straight, Nnani poses the question, and Arafa clarifies, “stripping, you actually have to strip. Take off your clothes and strip. Pole dancing is a form of exercise [and] it is empowering to women.” 

She later adds, “No, I don’t strip. I teach pole dancing to empower married women, actually.” 

Ageism and fillers 

One of the pivotal moments of this season was when Princess introduced ageism into the conversation, prompting Arafa to say Princess looks older than all the other women despite being the youngest. This fueled ongoing quarrels between Princess and some of the other women. 

At the time, Princess also insinuated that most of the ladies had undergone some form of cosmetic procedures. Ironically, videos of her getting fillers resurfaced online, leading to being branded a hyprocrite. 

During the reunion show, Princess clarifies that she never condemned beauty procedures and explains that getting fillers was work-related. 

Princess in RHOAbuja Reunion

“I was working with a brand, and they did fillers on my smile line. It was for work,” she explains. “But regardless of that, it wasn’t a thing where I was saying people that do botox are not good. I never mentioned that, so I am not a hypocrite.” 

However, the other ladies disagree and believe she is projecting her insecurities onto them.

The Jaruma Reunion cameo 

What could be better than a Jaruma-Real Housewife cameo? Another cameo at the reunion. Jaruma is here to address being disrespected by the ladies, particularly Princess. One of her concerns is the condescending tone Princess used when addressing her. 

“These words you use, you’re saying, ‘oh this girl, oh this one’. I will never ever address you like that,” she tells Princess. Interestingly, while addressing this, Princess refers to OJ, Jaruma’s godmother, as “this one”, which is the very thing Jaruma is complaining about. 

Our “oh, honey’ crooner is truly the drama of the show! The second episode of The Real Housewives of Abuja Reunion will return on Friday, 2 June 2023!

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