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2 October 2020


Rebellion looms as King Otokun does all he can to stop a dark prophesy from being fulfilled: that a child born under the rising of the dark moon will take his life. But destiny is against him as Tsema and Aghan, two children both born under the dark moon, wind a complicated path on their way to fulfil the prophesy foretold.

This thrilling telenovela airs on Africa Magic on weekdays, with episodes coming straight to Showmax.

Riona is set in pre-colonial times in the Itsekiri Kingdom, between the 11th and 12th century. Itsekiris lived in the westernmost part of the Niger Delta, bordered by the Bight of Benin on the west. Their settlements can be found in the mangrove swamps of the Niger Delta and a few are above sea level.

Itsekiris were originally known as Iwerre. They were primarily fishermen and craftsmen. Crafts were also made by Itsekiri women. Trading was bilateral and goods were priced in terms of principal commodities.

90% of Itsekiri words are identical to Yoruba words, especially those originating in the Southern and Eastern tribes. Houses were quadrangles and city walls were fortified for the safety of the people. Riona is a thrilling insight into their world.

Watch the latest episodes of Riona online on Showmax on weekdays, at the same time as they air on Africa Magic.

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