24 May 2019

Die Spreeus episode 7: Forever young

The supernatural world mixes with magic and illusion in episode 7 of Die Spreeus. Master of the mystical arts Fernando (Geon Nel) has his audiences focused on his every move with sleight of hand and card tricks, but they’ll be speechless when Yvonne (Elsje Slabbert) steps out from the audience and volunteers to be part of the act…

Fernando’s assistant Cleopatra (Tarryn Wyngaard) helps Yvonne get into position and places a magical amulet featuring a scarab symbol around her neck “for luck”. Yvonne is the young wife of media magnate Ernest (Deon Coetzee) and the expensive-looking jewellery looks in place on her. As Cleopatra closes the coffin lid with Yvonne inside, Fernando says his magic words “Hocus pocus, tontys talontus, Vade celeriter. Jubeo!”

In between the clouds of smoke on stage, Cleopatra opens the coffin door to reveal that Yvonne has vanished, before closing the lid again. In amongst the audience’s applause, Fernando says his magic words again and he opens the coffin to reveal… nothing. Yvonne hasn’t re-appeared as planned. Perplexed, Fernando calls an end to the performance.

Die Spreeus detectives Bas and Beatrice (Chris Vorster and Monique Rockman) are called to the theatre to investigate and hopefully find Yvonne. Despite the woman still being missing, Fernando continues with his performances and Beatrice is front and centre when the magician repeats his coffin trick three days later, volunteering to take Yvonne’s place herself.

But when she climbs on stage and the coffin is opened, Yvonne has magically re-appeared – but she’s old. Her youth has been stolen.

This particular investigation is going to lift the lid on the personal ghosts that are haunting Beatrice, more so because she spends more time with her mother Erica (Theresa Sedras), who was committed to a psychiatric facility. Beatrice has grown a lot since her first case opposite Bas in episodes 1 and 2.

“Her eyes have been opened to the supernatural world,” says Monique, whose character didn’t believe in ghosts and other spooky entities before.

Success and manipulation

“Beatrice feels like her mother was spellbound,” says Monique. “Almost like Fernando does with his audience.”

In episode 7, Beatrice reveals how successful her mother and father Bernie (Kevin Smith) once were.

They started a spa called Heavenly On Earth and last year Bernie opened branches in London and New York after having Erica declared senile when she claimed that she could see her dead mother’s ghost.

Erica’s involvement with the business was a risk that Bernie couldn’t afford.

“Beatrice also suspects that her father aggravated the situation by trying to control Erica with medication and other manipulation,” says Monique.

I owe you

Monique adds that her character has gradually become accustomed to the unusual since joining Die Spreeus investigation unit.

“Beatrice reaches out to her mother because she feels that she has let Erica down. Beatrice didn’t want her mother to speak to spirits.”

But things have now changed thanks to her work and Beatrice realises that she was wrong.

“She also sees the supernatural, like her mother, and it creates a connection between them.”

Beatrice fights for her mother’s best interests when Bernie slithers his way into town like a snake and asks his daughter for a favour after finding out that Beatrice has been spending time with Erica.

“He asks Beatrice to get Erica to sign documents giving up her rights in the business, as well as handing Bernie more power and access to investments and other policies,” explains Monique. “Beatrice sees right through her father now. She isn’t going to help him this time.”

Crumbling confidence

With her family drama taking up half her time, Beatrice tries to focus on her working relationship with Bas.

She’s worried about him because of what was revealed in episode 6 – that he has been living with the ghost of his dead son Dewald (Anderson White). Bas is also scared to use his gun. “Beatrice feels that she can’t trust Bas with her life. He must be able to use his firearm in dangerous situations,” adds Monique.

Beatrice feels so strongly about this that it’s going to impact her work, so she approaches her boss Brigadier Rosa (Sandi Schultz) at the end of the episode. If Bas doesn’t pull himself out of this professional funk, he’s going to need a new partner…

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