Second Family Season 2 episodes 27-28 recap: Who’s the boss?

18 December 2023

Second Family Season 2 episodes 27-28 recap: Who’s the boss?

This week in Second Family, alliances fracture, emotions run high, and the Gatehi family faces unsettling challenges. Here’s a recap of the biggest moments:

Leo’s gambit unfolds

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Leo seems to have the upper hand after The Syndicate’s election loss. However, the real game is just beginning. Tehi, always the strategist, proposes a new Gatehi empire and deftly manoeuvres for a position of power within The Syndicate. Meanwhile, a confrontation brews as Kiilu declares a personal war against Leo.

Gigi’s ultimate revenge against Cyrus

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Emotions run wild as Gigi resorts to dramatic measures, including self-harm, to grab Cyrus’s attention. Driven to extremes, she pulls out all the stops, and contacts the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. Gigi’s risky move could not only destroy her marriage, but could bring down EAGC too!

Leo keeps an eye on Carol-Marie

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After their tryst, Carol-Marie attempts to pick up with Leo, but he dismisses her, avoiding emotional entanglements. Leo recruits Cyrus to shadow Carol-Marie and intercept any attempts from The Syndicate to derail the sacco. 

Q and Sweetness infiltrate the Gatehi home

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Q returns and brings with him a new layer of intrigue. He and Sweetness smooth-talk their way onto the Gatehi property to infiltrate the household as extra help. Sweetness, on a quest for control, forces Shei into confessing to Sinde’s murder. 

Nina and Tehi play a dangerous game 

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Nina’s unannounced return disrupts Tehi’s life. Clearly unhinged, she plays a dangerous game of Russian roulette and skilfully manages to tempt him to enjoy some illegal substances, hinting at a return to his old ways.

Evangeline reminds Leo who’s in charge

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In an unguarded moment, Evangeline realises how far Leo is willing to go to get his revenge on her. She orchestrates a meeting, all in the name of displaying her influence over the children in front of Leo and reminding him of her veto rights — and ultimately, her control of EAGC.

How will Leo retaliate? Will he manage to get the sacco registered before The Syndicate derails his plans? And what about the rest of the family – will Shei’s secrets finally come out? Will Gigi get her revenge? And will Tehi return to his old ways?

With so many unanswered questions, we can’t wait to see how Second Family unfolds! Stay tuned to Showmax to catch new episodes every Thursday and Friday.