Wura episodes 37-40 recap: “Wura, sometimes, your behaviour is despicable!”

3 April 2023

Wura episodes 37-40 recap: “Wura, sometimes, your behaviour is despicable!”

It is a beautiful morning in Iperindo. People are going about their jobs and daily lives,  but Mide and Percy are planning something in his mum’s living room. “Mide, what is he doing in my house?” Iyabo queries Percy’s presence in her house. “So you’re now doing business with criminals? If I hear that both of you are up to your nonsense….” 

Binge-watch Wura episodes online

Percy cuts her respectfully and spins a story about repentance from crime. He presents some documents and tells her they are working on a business to convince the government to pay them to clean up the community. His story is convincing, and before you know it, Iyabo is praising the Lord and congratulating them. She even asks Mide if he’s offered Percy refreshments – the ex-convict has now become an Omoluwabi. 

Mide and Percy on Wura S1

But they’re up to no good. They are planning a heist – and are discussing how to get weapons for the operation. Omolara is also spinning stories on the wealthier side of Iperindo. She has won Jeje over with her abuse story. He even calls her mum now. 

Wura is worried, but her worry is causing friction between her and Jeje. She makes a move to catch Omolara, but it backfires. Now everyone, including her kids, thinks she is wicked. “Wura, sometimes, your behaviour is despicable,” her husband tells her. “Show a little compassion, a little humanity.” 

Meet the big, bad Biggie 

There is another ex-convict in town, Biggie. Like Percy, he is bad news; unlike Percy, he is terrifying! He is supplying Mide and Percy with the guns for their operation. 

Biggie on Wura S1

“Don’t start cracking jokes with this guy. He doesn’t find anything funny,” Percy warns his partner as they get to Biggie’s house. “Guy, I’m serious. Someone once told me he removed his best friend’s eyes with a fork for looking at him the wrong way.” 

Mide adjusts his poise and tries to look serious and confident, but Biggie’s stare will send a shiver down the spine of even an experienced soldier. This man is creepy! He brings out the guns, but Percy tries to pull a fast one. And we all know no one dances with the devil and comes out unscathed! 

Jeje threatens Kazeem 

Kazeem is unhappy with Omolara. As she caresses his body, he moves away. After the last party where Wura caught him and Omolara on her matrimonial bed, he wants to avoid trouble. 

“You want Jeje to make a scapegoat of me,” he says in pidgin English. But she assures him there is nothing to worry about, that she is the parent and Jeje is the child. Jeje then enters the bar, and the couple panickingly runs to hide. 

Kazeem and Omolara hiding from Jeje in Wura S1

“Have you seen that taxi driver? I think they call him Kazeem,” Jeje asks Paulina by the bar, before threatening to make Kazeem impotent if he doesn’t leave his mum. He looks more like the scary, murdering Jeje we saw in earlier episodes. Kazeem and Omolara argue quietly as they hide. He doesn’t understand why they are hiding; she tells him she is supposed to be at her doctor’s appointment. 

Wura and Omolara 

“Follow her. If she sees a doctor, I want to know exactly what is wrong with her,” Wura instructs Labake. She fears losing Jeje to Omolara and worries over what will happen if she hurts him again. Labake follows Omolara stealthily and confirms Wura’s suspicions. 

“She didn’t go to any doctor,” she tells her madam, who asks if Omolara went shopping. “She went somewhere worse,” Labake replies. “She went to a bar in Iperindo, and she was drinking like a fish. There is no way a woman who has cancer can be drinking like that.” 

Wura in Wura S1

Wura is satisfied. She now has evidence to evict her from their lives. When Omolara returns, Wura confronts her. “You were not at the hospital, Lara,” she says in front of everyone. “Omolara was at a beer parlour, drinking herself to a stupor.” 

Omolara delivers another Oscar-winning performance. “I am not lying,” she says, sobbing. “The truth is that it is too late. The cancer has spread all over my body and to my brain, and I only went to the beer parlour just to have some beers to take my mind off it.” 

Wura gets agitated and irritated, but Omolara provides convincing evidence. She wins the argument, and everyone looks at Wura like she is the villain here. 

Wura knows the kind of grifter she is dealing with, but with everyone buying Omolara’s story, she apologises and moves on. 

Watch Wura now on Showmax.

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