5 spooky reasons to watch Afrikaans reality show Die Siener

25 April 2019

5 spooky reasons to watch Afrikaans reality show Die Siener

Here are five reasons you won’t be able to look away from Die Siener, which arrives on Showmax every week express from the kykNET broadcast.

“I want to help where I can with the talent I’ve received,” says Gerald. “There is so much sadness in the world – my heart goes out to each person whose path crosses mine. I want to bring peace and comfort. I also want to help those who are struggling to move on”.

1. Haunted homes

Gerald isn’t scared to venture where others fear to tread – quite literally. He’s well-versed with guests who’ve not only overstayed their welcome but may have been unwelcome in the first place. Gerald is going door-to-door, helping to get rid of poltergeists in homes and visiting well-known haunted sites, including Cape Town’s Castle of Good Hope, the Lord Milner Hotel in Matjiesfontein and the Rudd House in Kimberley to find out if these places are really haunted, and maybe even send a few visitors packing.

2. Remarkable readings

A “psychic reading” is a specific attempt by a clairvoyant to find and convey information from other realms to the living, using heightened perceptive abilities to make contact with what can’t be seen.

In Die Siener, Gerald does a variety of readings for people to analyse their past, future and current situation and help them live better lives.

3. Promoting peace

Gerald’s aim isn’t to disturb, sadden, anger or confuse people – in fact, quite the opposite. His mission is to help bring peace of mind – and heart – and help people get whatever form of closure they might be seeking.

“I want to help where I can with the talent I’ve received,” says Gerald. “There is so much sadness in the world – my heart goes out to each person whose path crosses mine. I want to bring peace and comfort. I also want to help those who are struggling to move on”.

4. The producer believes

This isn’t a show for mere TV’s sake – the producer has known Gerald for a number of years and really believes in his clairvoyant abilities. Although he is still trying to make sense of Gerald’s remarkable talents, producer Rian van Heerden is sure of what he has seen and experienced.

“I’m still struggling to understand how he does what he does. But what I do know, is that he is the real deal and there are things on this Earth that we will never be able to explain.

5. Sorting out supernatural phenomena

Gerald knew he had the gift of predicting the future from childhood and for the past few years, he has been working full-time as a clairvoyant, helping with issues from people who have died and can’t find rest to supernatural phenomena harassing people.

Gerald, who correctly predicted the Laingsburg floods on 25 January 1981, says he believes his powers are a gift from God. “I do my readings through vibrations I receive from clients. I’ve been doing it for over 40 years. I believe that I’m blessed with this gift and I use it with reverence for people”.

Watch Die Siener every week on Showmax, where episodes land express from kykNET.

Start watching now »

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