Outlaws Season 1 episodes 11-12 recap: Love and betrayal

By Xabiso Ngqabe11 October 2023

Outlaws Season 1 episodes 11-12 recap: Love and betrayal

Outlaws continues to deliver a riveting rollercoaster and unexpected twists that have kept us hooked from beginning to end. This week’s episodes thrust us into a whirlwind of emotions, unraveling the complexities of love, betrayal, new alliances and suspense at every turn. The Outlaws characters navigate treacherous paths, where trust is scarce, and alliances shift like quicksand. 

What happened in Outlaws episode 9-10?

We witnessed Tlali’s showdown with the police, resulting in the death of one of his men. Bandile was left stunned when he discovered more cattle raids committed by the Basothos. Sihle and Leruo rekindled their love while Dumisani made an unexpected visit to the Top 4.

Read more about Outlaws episodes 9-10 »

Now this week, as we dive into the tumultuous world of Outlaws, Sihle and Leruo make a drastic move but is it enough to sail their love boat? In Bergville, Bandile and the farmers move from talking to action. Meanwhile, Sihle grapples with feeling invisible as everyone decides what’s best for her future.

Watch the Outlaws trailer for this week

Let’s break down this rollercoaster ride on this week’s episodes of Outlaws.

Love’s turbulent waters

Leruo and Sihle wake up together near a waterfall, and she finally comes clean about her impending marriage with Kwanele. But that’s not the only romantic twist in the tale.

Dumisani and Moretlo in Outlaws

Dumisani wakes up in Moretlo’s bed, and we learn that Dumisani has been working together with Basotho cattle thieves. For the past few years, he has been working with them to create a passageway for them into the KZN region, to loot and steal livestock from fellow farmers.

Bergville’s farmers unite

Back in Bergville, Bandile’s patience wears thin as more farmers fall victim to cattle theft. Their anger unites them, igniting the desire to avenge the Basothos’ raids. Will this act of defiance lead them to a massive war in the Underbeg region?

Outlaws is on Showmax

Bandile and Sephamola embark on a mission to secure weapons. But their encounter with their allies takes an ominous turn. They are met with hostility as they label Sephamola a traitor and condemn him for bringing a Zulu along with him. Bandile has to give a heartfelt plea to spare their lives. “My daughter can’t sleep. I’m begging you. I know that as men, you’d do anything to protect your families”, says Bandile. Eventually they get the weapons they were looking for.

Sihle and Kwanele’s impending marriage hangs in the balance

Sihle remains torn between two hearts, but an unexpected voice of reason emerges. She tells her fiance, “Kwanele, this isn’t my story. I can’t pretend anymore. I don’t want to marry you.”

Outlaws is streaming on Showmax

During dinner at the Biyelas, Sihle has a confession to make, but her hesitation leaves Aunt Deli and Emmanuel uneasy. Before she can speak, the Dlaminis arrive, demanding answers from Sihle, leaving everyone in shock. Meanwhile, Leruo drops a bombshell of his own, canceling his plans to marry Nyakallo. As relationships unravel, the stage is set for further chaos.

The Dlamini-Biyela conundrum 

In episode 12, Sihle’s declaration that she isn’t ready to marry Kwanele sends shockwaves through her family, forcing Dumisani to intervene.

Later that day, a concerned Bandile has a heart to heart with his sister, but this conversation isn’t enough to change her mind. Sihle packs her bags and leaves her family behind, embarking on a journey into an uncertain future.

New alliances and hidden desires

Leruo confronts Tlali about his recent actions, sparking a heated exchange. Tlali challenges Leruo’s authority when he tells him, “You think you’re in charge, but we all know that your mother is the boss. You’re just a little boy hiding behind her skirt.” Tlali’s words hit home and Leruo punches him in the face.

Tlali and Nyakallo form an alliance in Outlaws now streaming on Showmax

The following day, Nyakallo and Tlali, united by their grievances against Leruo, form an unexpected alliance that culminates in an intimate moment. Meanwhile, Sihle and Leruo share moments of intimacy near their sacred waterfall, concealing their secrets and desires.

As we eagerly await the next episodes, the promise of more drama, plot twists, and unforgettable moments looms large. Buckle up, the ride is far from over! 

All the episodes of Outlaws are now streaming on Showmax.

Outlaws: A snake in the grass
Outlaws: "I don't want to marry you"